1968.0514 Condon "Fiasco" article

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An article entitled “Flying Saucer Fiasco” by John G Fuller criticising the Condon Study was published in the 14 May 1968 edition of “Look” Magazine (which hit the news stands on 27 April 1967).




1968.0520 Air Force Manual 55-11


Air Force Manual 55-11
On 20 May 1968, Air Force Manual 55-11, “Air Force Operational Reporting System”, was published. It superseded AFR 55-88.




1968.0600 "The UFO Problem" thesis

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During June 1968, a thesis entitled “The UFO Problem: Time for a Reassessment” submitted to the Air Command and Staff College by Major J King.




1968.0600 “UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life” thesis

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During 1968, a thesis entitled “UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life” submitted by Captain Darrell L Stanley to the US Air and Staff College in partial fulfilment of the requirements for graduation.




1968.0729 Congressman Roush hearing

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On 29 July 1968, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science and Astronautics holds a “Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects”, chaired by Congressman J Edward Roush. Oral evidence was heard from six speakers: Dr J Allen Hynek, Dr Carl Sagan, Dr Robert L Hall, Dr James E McDonald, Dr James A Harder and Dr Robert M L Baker. Statements were submitted by Dr Donald Menzel, Dr Leo Sprinkle, Dr Garry Henderson, Stanton T Friedman, Dr Roger N Shephard and Dr Frank B Salisbury. (Commonly referred to as “the Roush Hearing”).