1969.0109 Condon report released


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 The Condon Report was released to the public on 9 January 1969.




1969.0111 Press conference on Condon

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On 11 January 1969, a press conference was held by Dr. David R Saunders and others to criticise the Condon Report’s conclusions.




1969.0219 Discussion of closing Bluebook

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On 19 February 1969, a meeting was held at Air Force Headquarters in Washington which discussed closing down of Project Blue Book




1969.0400 Hynek on Condon report

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A review of the Condon Report by Dr J Allen Hynek was published in the April 1969 edition of the “Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist” at pages 39-42.




1969.0504 Jose Antonio da Silva abduction

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On 4 May 1969, Jose Antonio da Silva (an orderly in the Brazilian Armed Forces) was allegedly abducted near Belo Hoizonte / Bebedouro, Brazil. He claimed to have been given a message which he said should not be passed on for several years.