1970.1100 AIAA on Condon Report

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In November 1970, the UFO subcommittee of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (“AIAA”) published a statement entitled “UFO, An Appraisal of the Problem” in its journal, Astronautics and Aeronautics, criticizing the conclusions of the Condon Report and encouraged further study of the UFO problem. It concluded that it found it “difficult to ignore the small residue of well-documented but unexplained cases which form the hard core of the UFO controversy”.



1970.1106 Status inconsistency

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On 6 November 1970, the journal Science includes an article by Donald Warren entitled "Status inconsistency theory and flying saucer sightings"




1970.1117 McDonald on radar

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At the American Meteorological Society’s 14th Radar Conference on 17th-20th November 1970, James E McDonald gave a paper on “Meteorological Factors in Unidentified Radar Returns”.




1970.1221 Scientology defamation claim


Scientology defamation claim
On 21 December 1970, a defamation legal action by the Church of Scientology (founded by L Ron Hubbard) against the Member of Parliament for East Grinstead (Mr Geoffrey Johnson Smith) fails.




1971.0000 “Ozpa” search


“Ozpa” search
During 1971, the “Ozpa” search of 9 stars conducted by Gerritt Vershuur with a 384-channel receiver.