1968.1007 Hynek on Bluebook weaknesses

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On 7 October 1968, Dr J Allen Hynek wrote a reply to Colonel Raymond S Sleeper’s request for suggestions to define areas of scientific weakness in Project Blue Book.




Sections below

1. Web Resources

2. Book References

3. Other material


Web Resources



Book References

Lengthy extract from text of letter in Hynek, J Allen in his “The UFO Experience” (1972) (Appendix 4) at pages 251-270 of the Henry Regnery hardback edition (with same page numbering in the Abelard-Schuman hardback edition) at pages 283-305 of the various Ballantine paperback editions, at page 307-330 of the Corgi paperback edition. Lengthy extract of introductory section of the letter in Chapter 11 at pages 179-182 of the Henry Regnery hardback edition (with same page numbering in the Abelard-Schuman hardback edition) at pages 202-206 of the various Ballantine paperback editions, at page 223-227 of the Corgi paperback edition. Discussed in Chapter 12 at pages 197-198 of the Henry Regnery hardback edition (with same page numbering in the Abelard-Schuman hardback edition) at pages 223-224 of the various Ballantine paperback editions, at pages 245-246 of the Corgi paperback edition.

For discussion see the following:



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Clark, Jerome in his “The UFO Book: Encyclopedia of the Extraterrestrial” (1998) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 477 (forming part of an entry entitled “Project Blue Book”) of the Visible Ink Press softcover edition.



Clark, Jerome in his “The UFO Encyclopedia: 1st edition: Volume 3 – High Strangeness” (1996) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 477-479 (in an entry entitled “Project Blue Book, 1960-1969”) of the Omnigraphics hardback edition.



Clark, Jerome in his “The UFO Encyclopedia: The Phenomenon from the Beginning - 2nd edition” (1998) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) in Volume 2:L-Z at pages 739-740 (forming part of an entry entitled “Project Blue Book” at pages 730-742) of the Omnigraphics hardback edition.



Druffel, Ann in her “Firestorm : Dr James E McDonald's Fight for UFO Science” (2003) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 81 (in Chapter 4) of the Wild Flower Press softcover edition.



Hynek, J Allen in his “The UFO Experience” (1972) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 179-182 (in Chapter 11), 197-198 (in Chapter 12 ) with lengthy extracts from text of letter at pages 251-270 (in Appendix 4) of the Henry Regnery hardback edition (with same page numbering in the Abelard-Schuman hardback edition), at pages 202-206, 223-224, 283-305 of the various Ballantine paperback editions, at pages 223-227, 245-246, 307-330 of the Corgi paperback edition.



Jacobs, David Michael in his “The UFO Controversy in America” (1975) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 225-226 (in Chapter 9) of the Indiana hardback edition, pages 225 of the Signet paperback edition.



Other Material