1967.0717 Belfast humanoids


Belfast humanoids
On 17 July 1967, Eugene Browne claims to have seen humanoids in Belfast, Northern Ireland. He later claimed to have been abducted on 6 October 1967.




1967.0911 Bleeping disks in England


Bleeping disks in England
On 11 September 1967, six bleeping disks were found in southern England. Students Chris Southall and David Harrison of the Farnborough Royal Aircraft Establishment are later reported as claiming that they fabricated the saucers using a mold as a fund raising stunt.




1967.0915 Markowitz on UFO impractically

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On 15 September 1967, the journal Science publishes an article by William Markowitz entitled “The Physics and Metaphysics of Unidentified Flying Objects” arguing that UFOs could not be extraterrestrial, alleging that interstellar rockets are impractical.




1967.1004 Shag Harbour incident

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The Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia incident occurred on 4 October 1967, involving claims that a UFO descended into the water.




1967.1024 Flying Cross police chase


Flying Cross police chase
On 24 October 1967, Police Constables PC Clifford Waycott and PC Roger Willey chase an alleged UFO (commonly referred to as the “flying cross” or “flying Thing”) for almost an hour in rural England.