1968.1127 Kocher's RAND document


Kocher's RAND document
On 27 November 1968, the document “UFOs: What to do?” was written by George Kocher of RAND. (Commonly referred to as “the RAND document” or “a RAND document”).




1968.1200 AIAA statement

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During December 1968, the UFO subcommittee of the AIAA published a statement in its journal, Astronautics and Aeronautics, asking the scientific and engineering communities to examine the phenomenon.




1968.1200 Brown Mountain Lights article


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During December 1968, Argosy magazine includes an article entitled “Come see the flying saucers” about the Brown Mountain Lights.



1968.1221 Apollo 8 sighting


Apollo 8 sighting
The alleged Apollo 8 sighting involving Frank Borman occurred on 12 December 1968.

As with several other alleged astronaut sightings, a wide variety of contradictory dates are given for the alleged sighting in the various relevant sources.



1969.0000 H Y Chiu on Condon

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During 1969, H Y Chiu wrote an article entitled “The Condon Report, Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects” reviewing the Condon Report and arguing that the observed visit rate would require too much material in the form of spaceships.