1973.0000 Dissertation by Schutz

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Schutz, Dr Michael Kelly “Organizational Goals and Support-Seeking Behavior: A Comparative Study of Social Movement Organizations in the UFO (Flying Saucer) Field”, Sociology, Northwestern University (1973), 448 pages




1973.0111 Peter Day film


Peter Day film
On 11 January 1973, Peter Day claims to have filmed a UFO near Thame, south of Oxford, England. Object also reported by children at a local school.




1973.0125 "New Scientist" ESP poll


"New Scientist" ESP poll
On 25 January 1973, the British magazine New Scientist publishes an article by Christopher Evans indicating that 67 per cent of the readers that responded to a survey considered ESP to be an established fact or a likely possibility




1973.0222 Maureen Puddy "abduction"

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On 22 February 1973, Maureen Puddy reports having experienced an alleged abduction whilst sitting in a car on Mooraduc Road, Australia, in the presence of two UFO investigators.

This incident is Case 78 in Isaac Koi's "Top 100" article,  since it was referred to in 38 of the books covered by that article.


1973.0500 Judy Doraty sighting

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During May 1973, Judy Doraty claims to see a calf taken into a UFO, near Houston.