1974.1025 Higdon elk-hunting incident

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On 25 October 1974, there was an alleged contact incident involving E Carl Higdon while elk-hunting on the north boundary of the Medicine Bow National Forest, Rawlins, Wyoming.

This incident is Case 64 in Isaac Koi's "Top 100" article,  since it was referred to in 45 of the books covered by that article. 


1974.1027 Day family abduction


Day family abduction
On 27 October 1974, John and Susan Day (sometimes referred to by the pseudonym “Avis”), and their 3 children, are allegedly abducted whilst driving to their home in the village of Aveley (commonly referred to the as “the Aveley abduction”, the “Day family abduction” or “the Avis family abduction”).

This incident is Case 42 in Isaac Koi's "Top 100" article,  since it was referred to in 58 of the books covered by that article.



1974.1109 Carbondale "crash"

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On 9 November 1974, Several teenage boys claim to have witnessed a UFO crash into a coal mining silt pond near Carbondale, Pennsylvania.




1974.1116 M13 interstellar message


M13 interstellar message
On 16 November 1974 there was the first deliberate attempt to send an interstellar message using a radio telescope to transmit a signal to outside our solar system, using the Arecibo radio telescope to beam a message towards the globular star cluster M13 (Messier 13).




1974.1200 Betty Hill "star map" article

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An article entitled “The Zeta Reticula Incident” by Terence Dickinson appeared in the December 1974 issue of Astronomy magazine. The article discusses work by Ohio schooltecher Marjorie Fish regarding the “star map” described by Betty Hill following her alleged abduction (having previously been discussed by Marjorie Fish in her article in Pursuit magazine (January 1974) and at the 1974 MUFON symposium).