1993.0000 Movie “Fire in the Sky”


“Fire in the Sky”
The movie “Fire in the Sky” (1993) was based on the alleged abduction of Travis Walton. It was directed by Robery Lieberman.





1993.0000 Spanos on experiencer psychology

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During 1993, a study of alleged UFO abductees and witnesses was published by Nicholas Spanos and others in the American Journal of Abnormal Psychology.




1993.0108 "Critique" of Linda Napolitano

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A memo entitled “A Critique of Budd Hopkins’ Case of the UFO Abduction of Linda Napolitano” (dated 8 January 1993) was circulated by Joseph J Stefula, Richard D Butler, and George P Hansen.



1993.0131 Bonnybridge meeting


Bonnybridge meeting
On 31 January 1993, a public meeting was arranged by Billy Buchanan at the Norwood Hotel to discuss UFO report in Bonnybridge.




1993.0330 Sightings and Cosmos 2238


Sightings and Cosmos 2238
Lights were widely reported over Great Britain during night of 30-31 March 1993. The re-entry of Russian satellite Cosmos 2238 occurred during the same night.