1995.0900 Air Force report on Roswell published


Air Force report on Roswell published
During September 1995, the Government Printing Office published “The Roswell Report: Fact vs Fiction in the New Mexico Desert”, being the previously released Air Force report (8 September 1994) on the Roswell incident together with a lengthy collection of supporting documents.




1995.1201 President Clinton on Roswell

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On 1 December 1995, President Clinton comments on Roswell during a trip to Northern Ireland in response to a question from a 13 year old boy.




1995.1215 Endorsement of best evidence

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On 15 December 1995, Dr Mark Rodeghier (President of CUFOS), Richard Hall (Chairman of FUFOR) and Walter Andrus (President of MUFON) sign a letter of endorsement stating that the “UFO Briefing Document : The Best Available Evidence“ (1995) by Don Berliner and Marie Galbraith and Antonio Huneeus contains “the best available evidence for the existence of UFOs”.



1996.0000 Babylon Zoo “Spaceman”

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During 1996, Babylon Zoo reach number one in the UK charts with their hit single “Spaceman”.




1996.0000 Movie: “Independence Day”


“Independence Day”
The movieIndependence Day” (1996) is also commonly referred to as “ID4”. It was directed by Roland Emmerich and starred Jeff Goldblum and Will Smith