1994.0000 Marfa Lights investigation

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During 1994, Paul Devereux performed a ten day field study of the Marfa Lights, with Hal Puthoff.




1994.0000 Movie “Stargate”


The movie (1994) “Stargate” was directed by Roland Emmerich.




1994.0304 Special Operations Manual

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On 4 March 1994, ufologist Don Berliner received the “Special Operations Manual SOM 1-01” in the form of undeveloped 35 mm film.




1994.0308 Michigan police radar/visual

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On 8 March 1994, there was a radar/Visual incident in south-western Michigan, involving police officer Jeff Velthouse.




1994.0308 Religious bodies UFO poll


Religious bodies UFO poll
On 8 March 1994, Victoria Alexander mailed 1000 surveys to randomly selected religious bodies in the continental United States as to the effect upon religions and morality of the official confirmation of the discovery of an advanced extraterrestrial civilization.