1978.0000 Asteroid belt SETI article


Asteroid belt SETI article
During 1978, Michael Papagiannis (Boston University professor of astronomy) publishes an article suggesting that if there are any extraterrestrial probes, then the asteroid belt seems the most logical place to look for them.




1978.0000 Gallup Poll


Gallup Poll
During 1978, a Gallup poll includes questions on UFOs for the fifth time. The results indicate 57% of adult Americans believe that UFOs are “real”.




1978.0000 Movie “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”


“Invasion of the Body Snatchers”
The movieInvasion of the Body Snatchers” (1978) starred Donald Sutherland. It was directed by Philip Kaufman. It was a remake of the 1956 film.





1978.0000 Project Daedalus study


Project Daedalus study
During 1978, following a design study (known as “Project Daedalus”) by members of the British Interplanetary Society (“BIS”), a design for an interstellar probe is proposed.




1978.0127 Eavesdropping signals from Earth


Eavesdropping signals from Earth
On 27 January 1978, the journal Science publishes an article entitled “Eavesdropping: The Radio Signature of the Earth” by Woodruff T Sullivan, S Brown, and C Wetherill on the potential for extraterrestrials eavesdropping on “leaking” radio signals from the Earth