1977.0506 Kuiper on colonisation


Kuiper on colonisation
On 6 May 1977, the journal Science published a paper by Thomas B H Kuiperof the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (“JPL”) and Mark Morris of Cal Tech which concludes that “the glaxy is either essentially empty with respect to technological civilizations or extensively colonized”.




1977.0620 “Alternative 3” broadcast

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On 20 June 1977, “Alternative 3” was broadcast by Anglia Television, England.




1977.0624 Imaginary abduction experiments

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The “first International UFO Congress” was held in Chicago on 24-26 June 1977. During this Congress, Alvin H Lawson reported the results of hypnotic experiments he had performed with Dr McCall and Mr John DeHerrera regarding imaginary abduction accounts




1977.0815 "Wow!" signal


"Wow!" signal
On 15 August 1977, the “Wow! signal” was picked up by the Big Ear radio telescope of the Ohio State University Radio Observatory. Astronomer Jerry Ehman scrawled “Wow!” in the margin of the print out of the relevant radio noise.




1977.0905 Voyager 1 recording


Voyager 1 recording
On 5 September 1977, Voyager 1 was launched. Attached to the side was a gold-coated phonograph record.