1977.0000 Movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”


“Close Encounters of the Third Kind”


The movieClose Encounters of the Third Kind” (1977) was written and directed by Steven Spielberg. It starred Richard Dreyfuss.



1977.0000 Movie “Star Wars”


“Star Wars”
The movie “Star Wars” (1977) was written and directed by George Lucas. The full title of the first movie "Star Wars" movie is “Star Wars IV : A New Hope”.




1977.0000 NASA SETI Special Publication


NASA SETI Special Publication
During 1977, NASA released NASA Special Publication 419 (“NASA SP-419”). This was a report entitled “The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence” edited by Philip Morrison, John Billingham and John Wolfe.




1977.0000 Ripperston Farm sightings


Ripperston Farm sightings
During 1977, there were various UFO reports near Ripperston Farm in Wales, involving the Coombs/Coombes family.




1977.0000 SERENDIP SETI search


During 1977, the “SERENDIP” (“Search for Extraterrestrial Radio Emission from Nearby Developed Intelligent Populations”) piggybacking SETI program began operation. It was developed by Professor Stuart Bowyer and colleagues at the University of California.