1965.0808 James Lucci photo

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On 8 August 1965, a photograph of a lighted disc was allegedly taken at night by James Lucci of Beaver, Pennslyvania.




1965.0903 Exeter incidents

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Early on 3rd September 1965, the Exeter, New Hampshire sightings involving Norman Muscarello, Police Patrolmen Eugene Bertrand, David Hunt and others occurred.

This incident is Case 29 in Isaac Koi's "Top 100" article,  since it was referred to in 68 of the books covered by that article.

This was Project Blue Book Case Number 9891.

This incident has also featured in lists by various UFO researchers of the top UFO cases, including the following:

a list of cases produced by Thomas E Bullard for the Fortean Times in 2007 as part of a survey of various researchers of the ten cases from 1947 onwards that interested them the most.


1965.0903 McCoy/Goode sighting

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On 3 September 1965, there was a sighting by Chief Deputy Sheriff Billy E McCoy and Deputy Sheriff Robert W Goode, south of Damon, Texas.




1965.0928 Bluebook review memo


Bluebook review memo
On 28 September 1965, a memo from Major General B LeBailly (US Air Force Director of Information) to the Military Director, Scientific Advisory Board, requested that a “working scientific panel composed of both physical and social scientists be organized to review Project Blue Book -- its resources, methods, and findings -- and to advise the Air Force as to any improvements that should be made in the program in order to carry out the Air Force's assigned responsibility”.




1965.1027 Exeter press release


Exeter press release
On 27 October 1965, a US Air Force press release was issued purporting to explain the Exeter sightings.