1962.0200 George Filer sighting


George Filer sighting
During February 1962George Filer claims to have seen (visually and on radar) a UFO over England whilst in a KB-50 J tanker aircraft.

See main entry on George Filer.



1962.0302 "To Serve Man" episode

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On 2 March 1962, the “To Serve Man” episode of the Twilight Zone was broadcast. It was based on Damon Knight’s short story of the same title.




1962.0305 Alex Birch photo


Alex Birch photo
On 5 March 1962, a UFO photograph was allegedly taken by Alex Birch in Mosborough, near Sheffield, England.



1962.0322 Lovell on SETI


Lovell on SETI
On 24 January 1878, Congressman Emilio Q Daddario asks Sir Bernard Lovell (of the Jodrell Bank observatory, England) and Harrison Brown about SETI. Sir Bernard Lovell commented, “I think that now one has to be sympathetic about an idea which only a few years ago would have seemed rather farfetched”.




1962.0400 Lightsail article

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Robert Forward proposed using a lightsail in his article “Pluto - the Gateway to the Stars” in April 1962 issue of the magazine “Missiles and Rockets”. The article was reprinted in “Science Digest” in 1962.