1965.0808 James Lucci photo

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On 8 August 1965, a photograph of a lighted disc was allegedly taken at night by James Lucci of Beaver, Pennslyvania.




Sections below

1. Web Resources

2. Book References

3. Other material


Web Resources



Book References

For discussion see the following:



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No. of Pages


Condon Report (“Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects”, Edward U Condon (Director) and Daniel S Gillmor (Editor) (1969)) as Condon Case 56 at pages 112, 122 (in Section 3, Chapter 2 “Analysis of UFO Photographic Evidence”, by William K Hartmann), 698-701 and plates 48-51 (in Section 4, “Case Studies”, Chapter 3, “Photographic Case Studies”) of the uncorrected version submitted to the Air Force (with the same page numbering in the 3 volume paperbound edition distributed by the National Technical Information Service, US Department of Commerce) at pages 78, 83-84, 455-457 of the Vision hardback edition (with the same page numbering in the Bantam paperback edition). The first of these editions has the same page numbering as the edition available free online at the following links:




Klass, Philip J in his “UFOs – Identified” (1968) by at page 18 (in Chapter 2), photographic plate 1 (in Chapter 3), pages 70-71 (in Chapter 8), 144-146 (in Chapter 14) of the Random House hardback edition.



Rehn, K Gosta in his “UFOs Here and Now” (1974) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 33-35 (in the unnumbered chapter entitled “The Condon-Colorado Report”) of the Abelard-Schuman hardback edition.



White, Dale in his “Is Something Up There?” (1968) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 115-116 (in Chapter 10) of the Scholastic Book Services paperback edition.



Other Material