1998.0000 Movie: “Small Soldiers”


“Small Soldiers”
The movieSmall Soldiers” (1998) was directed by Joe Dante.




1998.0000 Movie: The “McPherson tape”


The “McPherson tape”
During 1998, the movie “Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County” was broadcast on UPN. (Commonly referred to as the “McPherson tape”). It was directed by Dean Alioto.




1998.0100 Concealment poll


Concealment poll
During January 1998, the results of a poll were published indicating that 86% of members of the public would expect the Government to lie or conceal evidence if life were discovered in outer space




1998.1019 SETI@home


On 19 October 1998, SETI@home starts operation.




1998.1022 EQ Pegasi signal


EQ Pegasi signal
On 22 October 1998, a claim was purportedly made by an engineer (later identified as Paul Dore) to have detected a signal from the star EQ Pegasi is reported by the BBC (British Broadcasting Company) News Online. The SETI Institute stated that the claims were a hoax.