1949.0427 USAF briefing

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On 27 April 1949, there was a briefing for the USAF Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and his staff on UFOs by Directorate of Intelligence personnel.

Directorate of Intelligence, USAF, Decimal Correspondence File, "Flying Discs," 1949, National Archives II, College Park Maryland.




1949.0430 Sidney Shallett article

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The first part of Sidney Shallett’s two-part article on UFOs appeared in the 30 April 1949 issue of The Saturday Evening Post, entitled “What You Can Believe About Flying Saucers”.

The second part appeared in the 7th May 1949 edition.


1949.0800 Project Grudge final report


Project Grudge final report

During August 1949, Project Grudge's final report was completed.

The report contained analysis of 244 cases.

It concluded that Unidentified Flying Objects posed no direct threat to the national security of the United States.

The report was designated as Technical Report No. 102-AC 49/15 – 100 (commonly referred to as “the Project Grudge Report”), originally classified “Secret”.


1949.0820 Clyde Tombaugh sighting


Clyde Tombaugh sighting
On 20 August 1949, astronomer Clyde Tombaugh had a sightingat Las Cruces, New Mexico.

This incident is Case 43 in Isaac Koi's "Top 100" article,  since it was referred to in 57 of the books covered by that article.




1949.1106 Green fireball conference report


Green fireball conference report
On 6 November 1949, a report was sent to the Commanding General, Air Materiel Command relating to the green fireball conference that had been held during February 1949