1948.0211 Project Sign instructions


Project Sign instructions

On 11 February 1948, Project Sign personnel receive instructions, referring to their task as the “Evaluation of Unidentified Flying Objects”.

(Reference: HQ AMC Technical Instruction Number 2185)


1948.0317 Advisory Board meeting

Image needed
On 17 March 1948, an Air Force Scientific Advisory Board meeting includes a briefing by Colonel McCoy which mentions Project Sign.





1948.0724 Chiles Whitted sighting

Chiles Whitted sighting










On 24 July 1948, Eastern Airlines DC-3 pilot Captain Clarence S Chiles and co-pilot John B Whitted, on trip from Houston, Texas to Atlanta (with intermediate stops in between) report a UFO near Montgomery, Alabama at approximately 2.45am.


This incident is Case 10 in Isaac Koi's "Top 100" article, since it was referred to in 115 of the books covered by that article.


Isaac Koi’s “ICES” Rating for this sighting = 8,190 (out of a potential score of 14*14*14*14 i.e. 38,416)

(1) “Impact” Rating of 14 (out of a potential score of 14), because it is Case 10 in Isaac Koi's "Top 100" article.

(2) “Credibility” Rating of 13 (out of a potential score of 14) because shooting clearly did take place on the relevant night. The debate has centered on what (if anything at all) was actually there to be shot at.

(2) “Expert” Rating of 9 (out of a potential score of 14). It is given this slightly above neutral rating because (at the time of writing) it has been included in a small number of the short lists of the best cases produced by various UFO researchers that have been compiled by Isaac Koi (see the “Best UFO Cases" article at PART 3: Existing lists by various individuals).

(4)“Strangeness” Rating of 5 (out of a potential score of 14). The sighting has a relatively low strangeness rating since several authors (particularly Philip Klass) have plausibly suggested that the object seen was a meteor.



Sections below:

1. Web Resources

2. Book References

3. Other material



1948.0727 Cabell memo


Cabell memo
On 27 July 1948, Major General Cabell directed the Air Estimates Branch of Air Force Intelligence to prepare a study to determine the probability of the existence of UFOs.





1948.0800 Estimate of the Situation


Estimate of the Situation
In or around August 1948, Project Sign staff allegedly prepared an “Estimate of the Situation” that allegedly reached the conclusion that flying saucers were real and came from outer space.

The alleged existence of this document is controversial, as are details such as its alleged date. It is sometimes stated to have been dated 5 August 1948, sometimes the 1 August 1948, usually simply August 1948, sometimes September 1948, occasionally October 1948 and even “in early 1949”.