1947.0923 Twining memo


Twining memo

On 23 September 1947, a memo from Lt-General Nathan F Twining (chief of Air Materiel Command) to Brig-General George Schulgen (Commanding General, Army Air Forces) reports on the current knowledge of UFOs and recommends that a permanent project be set up to study them.

(Commonly referred to as “the Twining memo” or “the Twining letter”).



1947.0924 "Toilet seats" memo forwarded


"Toilet seats" memo forwarded
On 24 September 1947, a memo from FBI Assistant Director D M Ladd to FBI Director J Edgar Hoover summarises, and attaches, the 3 September 1947 memo from Colonel R H Smith (Assistant Chief of Staff Intelligence) which stated the FBI had been asked to assist the Air Force in UFO investigations “to relieve the numbered Air Forces of the task of tracking down all the many instances which turned out to be ash can covers, toilet seats and whatnot”. Mr Ladd recommended that the FBI “protest vigorously” and that the FBI discontinue all activity in this field.



1947.0927 Hoover on "toilet seats" memo


Hoover on "toilet seats" memo
On 24 September 1947, FBI Director J Edgar Hoover wrote to Major General McDonald informing him that the FBI would be discontinuing all investigative activity regarding the reported sightings of flying discs, mentioning the “ash can covers, toilet seats and whatnot” comment in the memo from Colonel R H Smith (Assistant Chief of Staff Intelligence) dated 3 September 1947.



1947.1001 FBI Bulletin


FBI Bulletin

On 1 October 1947, FBI Bulletin Number 57 informs FBI offices that in future all flying disc reports should be referred to the Air Force







1947.1027 Flying saucer song

Image needed
On 27 October 1947, the song “When You See Those Flying Saucers”, written by Charles Grean an Cy Coben, is filed for copyright.