1963.0000 Sagan on direct contact


Sagan on direct contact
During 1963, Carl Sagan's paper “Direct Contact Among Galactic Civilizations by Relativistic Interstellar Spaceflight” was published.




Sections below

1. Web Resources

2. Book References

3. Other material


Web Resources



Book References

Complete text of article reprinted in “The Quest For Extraterrestrial Life : A Book of Readings” (1980) (edited by Donald Goldsmith) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 205-213 (in Chapter 38) of the University Science Books hardback edition.

For discussion of Sagan’s article see the following:



Discussion by:


No. of Pages


Achenbach, Joel in his “Captured by Aliens” (1999) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 61 (in Chapter 5) of the Simon and Schuster hardback edition.



Davidson, Keay in his “Carl Sagan: A Life” (1999) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 131-132 (in Chapter 5) of the Wiley softcover edition.



Lunan, Duncan in his “Man and the Stars” (1974) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 102-103 (in Chapter 5) of the Souvenir Press hardback edition, at pages 127-128 of the Corgi paperback edition.



Poundstone, William in his “Carl Sagan: A Life in the Cosmos” (1999) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 74-76 (in the chapter entitled “Cambridge 1963-1968”), 155 (in the chapter entitled “Ithaca 1968-76”) of the Owl Books softcover edition.



Sullivan, Walter in his “We Are Not Alone” (1964) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 235-241 (in Chapter 16) of the Signet paperback revised editions.



Other Material