1954.1123 4602d criteria


4602d criteria
On 22 November 1954, Colonel John M White (Commander, ATIAE-5 1st Ind) wrote to the Commander of Air Technical Intelligence Center at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. He referred to meeting on 17 and 18 November 1954 at which, the Commander, 4602dAISS and his staff met with Captain Charles Hardin, ATIC and Doctor J Allen Hynek, for the purpose of discussing relationships in the investigation and processing of Unidentified Flying Object reports. It was agreed that ATIC would furnish the 4602d AISS with “rule of thumb” criteria to be used in investigations.



1954.1216 Eisenhower comments

Image needed
On 16 December 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower commented on UFOs during a press conference.




1955.0000 Movie "This Island Earth"


"This Island Earth"
The MovieThis Island Earth” (1955) was based on the novel of the same name by Raymond F Jones. Directed by Joseph M Newman.





1955.0100 Flying Saucer Review established


Flying Saucer Review established
During January 1955, the "Flying Saucer Review" (“FSR”) magazine was established. Derek Dempster was its editor until September 1956.




1955.0223 Broadlands encounter


Broadlands encounter
On 23 February 1955, Briggs (a bricklayer) claimed to have an encounter with a flying saucer over the grounds of the Hampshire residence Lord Mountbatten, “Broadlands”.