1954.0404 Giant Rock Convention

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On 4 April 1954, the first annual Giant Rock Convention organised by George Van Tassel. The conventions continued until 1977.



1954.0629 BOAC stratocruiser sighting


BOAC stratocruiser sighting
On 29 June 1954, the British Overseas Airways Corporation (“B.O.A.C.” or “BOAC”) stratocruiser “Centaurus” sighting occurred near Goose Bay, Labrador during a flight from New York’s Idlewild Airport to London, involving pilot Captain James Howard and co-pilot Lee Boyd. (Commonly referred to as “the BOAC stratocruiser sighting”.)

This incident is Case 46 in Isaac Koi's "Top 100" article,  since it was referred to in 55 of the books covered by that article.

This case featured in a list of 5 cases which APRO nominated as being the best in a survey in 1965 by Jacques Vallee.


1954.0702 Walesville Incident

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On 2 July 1954, a USAF F94 Starfire Jet crashed into the village of Walesville, New York, near Griffiss, killing several civilians. (Commonly referred to as “the Walesville Incident”). This crash is sometimes alleged to have occurred during the pursuit of a UFO.

This incident is Case 92 in Isaac Koi's "Top 100" article,  since it was referred to in 30 of the books covered by that article.




1954.0729 Daily Express poll


Daily Express poll
On 29 July 1954, the Daily Express newspaper published the results of a survey which included the question “Do you believe in Flying Saucers?”. 16.5 per cent answered “yes”, 65 percent answered “no”.



1954.0812 Air Force Letter 200-2


Air Force Letter 200-2

On 12 August 1954, Air Force Letter 200-2 entitled “Unidentified Flying Objects Reporting” (“FLYOBRPT”) sets forth procedures for information and evidence materiel pertaining to unidentified flying objects and sets forth the responsibility of Air Force activities in this regard.

This Air Force Letter superseded AFR 200-2 (26 August 1953) including change 200-2A (2 November 1953).