1953.1000 British Flying Saucer Bureau


British Flying Saucer Bureau
During October 1953, the “British Flying Saucer Bureau” was founded by Edgar L Plunkett.



1953.1102 Air Force Letter 200-2 modified


Air Force Letter 200-2 modified
Air Force Letter 200-2A (2 November 1953) modified Air Force Letter 200-2 entitled “Unidentified Flying Objects Reporting” (“FLYOBRPT”).




1953.1103 West Malling incident


West Malling incident
On 3 November 1953, a UFO was reportedly seen by Flying Officer Terry Johnson and his navigator, Flying Officer Geoffrey Smythe, during a flight in a Vampire fighter from RAF West Malling.

(Commonly referred to as “the West Malling incident”).




1953.1123 Felix Moncla "disappearance"

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On 23 November 1953, the Kinross Air Force Base, Michigan F-89 jet chase / alleged "disappearance" occurred over Soo Locks, Michigan.

This incident involved pilot Lt. Felix Moncla Jr and radar observer Lt R R Wilson.

This incident is Case 54 in Isaac Koi's "Top 100" article,  since it was referred to in 52 of the books covered by that article.

This incident came seventh in a survey in 1965 by Jacques Vallee of the opinion of various UFO groups as to the most significant UFO sightings.


1954.0000 Taormina, Sicily photo

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During 1954, a photograph was allegedly taken in Taormina, Sicily by Giuseppe Grasso showing four men standing on a bridge apparently gazing at 2 UFOs.