1952.0729 Samford press conference

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On 29 July 1952, Major General John Samford holds a press conference in relation to the well publicised Washington National Radar/Visual Sightings




1952.0800 Project A

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“Project A” was established by Dr Warren Hichman during August 1952 at Ohio Northern University to research UFOs.

It closed two years later because it possessed no means of obtaining further information with which to make a study




1952.0800 Ruppelt article

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An article by Captain Edward J Ruppelt appeared in the August 1952 edition of Air Intelligence Digest.




1952.0801 Bellefontaine Ohio incident

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The Bellefontaine, Ohio radar/visual incident occurred on 1 August 1952.




1952.0801 CIA concealment memo


CIA concealment memo
On 1 August 1952, Edward Tauss, acting chief of the CIA’s Office of Scientific Intelligence Weapons and Equipment Division, reported on behalf of a special CIA study group in a memorandum for Deputy Assistant Director, SI (Philip Strong).

Tauss urged that the CIA conceal its interest from the media and the public, “in view of their probable alarmist tendencies” to accept such interest as confirming the existence of UFOs.