Koi UFO Video 074

Koi UFO Video 074 : UFO landing in New Mexico (by Oondyla)


[DEBUNKED] Koi UFO Video 074 is a video appearing to show a UFO filmed from a moving vehicle.  The UFO appears to go behind several buildings.

One copy of the video on Youtube (with the title "UFO landing in New Mexico") has over half a million views as at October 2014.

As detailed below, this is one of several hoaxed UFO video signed (pun intended) by the hoaxer, CGI artist "Oondyla".  Other UFO viral videos created by Oondyla (and also signed by him) include one appearing to show two jets escorting a UFO (see Koi UFO Video 059). Both video have a sign with "Oondyla" on it.  In the case of the jet video, the name appears on a road sign. In the case of the "UFO landing in New Mexico" video, the name clearly appears on a sign on a building in the foreground of the video.




Sections below:

1. The relevant video

2. Stories and claims relating to this video

3. The real background to this video

4. Relevant online forum discussions



1. The relevant video

This video appears to show a UFO filmed from a moving vehicle.  The UFO appears to go behind several buildings.

The following sample screenshots are taken from that video for ease of identification of the relevant video:








2. Stories and claims relating to this video

One copy of this video on Youtube uploaded in February 2012 with the title "UFO landing in New Mexico" has over half a million views (Youtube video ulzR79VbcKk).

A clearer copy of the video was uploaded on Oondyla's Youtube account in March 2012.  That copy was accompanied by the following text: "That's an incredible ufo sighting. The place is near Dulce (New Mexico). me and my friends was looking for a shadow-like object in the sky and we come closer to it. That is what's happened next...".



3. The real background to this video

This is one of several hoaxed UFO video signed (pun intended) by the hoaxer, CGI artist "Oondyla".  

Oondyla's Youtube video channel also happens to include:

(1) A video illustrating his skills in creating video special effects.


(2) Other UFO videos that happen to have the name "Oondyla" on signs in the videos.

Other UFO viral videos created by Oondyla (and also signed by him) include one appearing to show two jets escorting a UFO (see Koi UFO Video 059).

Both this video and the jets video have a sign with "Oondyla" on it.  In the case of the jet video, the name appears on a road sign. In the case of the "UFO landing in New Mexico" video, the name clearly appears on a sign on a building in the foreground of the video near the end of the footage.



Also, if you have a glance at the oondyla.com website via the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine then you will see that Oondyla.com was set up as a viral marketing website:




The relevant road sign in the "fighter jet" video (Koi UFO Video 059) can be seen in the screen shots below from that video.






Oondyla's video illustrating his skills in creating video special effects is embedded here:









4. Relevant online forum discussions

Relevant discussions on the AboveTopSecret.com forum referring to Oondyla focus on his better known jet footage video (i.e. Koi UFO Video 59), including the following:

2011 (August) thread entitled "Jets escorting UFO - CGI, US tech, or UFO please comment"

2014 (July) thread entitled "fighter jets escort ufo video"