1997.0000 Movie: “Starship Troopers”


“Starship Troopers”
The movieStarship Troopers” (1997) was based on a novel by Robert A Heinlein.





Sections below

1. Web Resources

2. Book References

3. Other material


Web Resources

Credits and other details included in the Internet Movie Database (imdb) entry online at: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120201/



Book References

For discussion see the following:



Discussion by:


No. of Pages


Kaveney, Roz in her “From Alien to The Matrix: Reading Science Fiction Film” (2005) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 9-20 (in Chapter 2), 53-54 (in Chapter 5) of the I B Taurus softcover edition.


Other Material