The Movie “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” (1975) starred Tim Curry.
Sections below
Web Resources
Credits and other details included in the Internet Movie Database (imdb) entry online at:
Book References
For discussion of “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” see the following:
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Discussion by:
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Naha, Ed in his “Science Fiction Aliens - Starlog Photo Guidebook” (1977) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 54 (in the unnumbered section entitled “Motion Pictures”) of the Starlog softcover edition. |
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Rux, Bruce in his “Hollywood Vs. the Aliens” (1997) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 1-4, 70 (in the Introduction), 202 (in Chapter 4), 437-441 (in Chapter 8) of the Frog softcover edition. |
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