1971.1228 Philosophers consider SETI


Philosophers consider SETI
On 28 December 1971, Lewis White Beck (President of the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association) calls for philosophers to consider the problems arising from exobiological studies in a presidential address delivered before the sixty-eighth Annual Eastern Meeting of the American Philosophical Association in New York City.




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Book References

Complete text of address published in “Extraterrestrials: Science and alien intelligence” (1985) (edited by Edward Regis) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 3-18 (in Part 1) of the Cambridge University Press softcover edition.

For discussion see the following:



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Raup, David M in “Extraterrestrials: Science and alien intelligence” (1985) (edited by Edward Regis) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 31, 35-37 (in Part 2) of the Cambridge University Press softcover edition.



Regis, Edward in “Extraterrestrials: Science and alien intelligence” (1985) (edited by Edward Regis) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 1 (in the introduction to Part 1) of the Cambridge University Press softcover edition.



Ruse, Michael in “Extraterrestrials: Science and alien intelligence” (1985) (edited by Edward Regis) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 44 (in Part 2) of the Cambridge University Press softcover edition.



Other Material