1968.0225 Mary Loise Armstrong resigns


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On 25 February 1968, Mary Loise Armstrongwrites a letter of resignation from the Condon Study, citing “disagreement and low morale within the study”.



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2. Book References

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Book References

Text of letter presented by Hynek, J Allen in his “The UFO Experience” (1972) (Appendix 3) at pages 243-250 of the Henry Regnery hardback edition (with same page numbering in the Abelard-Schuman hardback edition) at pages 274-282 of the various Ballantine paperback editions, at pages 298-306 of the Corgi paperback edition. (Discussed in that book in Chapter 12 at pages 211-212 of the Henry Regnery hardback edition (with same page numbering in the Abelard-Schuman hardback edition) at pages 239-241 of the various Ballantine paperback editions, at pages 262-263 of the Corgi paperback edition.)

For discussion of Armstrong’s resignation letter see the following:



Discussion by:


No. of Pages


Hynek, J Allen in his “The UFO Experience” (1972) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 211-212 (in Chapter 12 ) of the Henry Regnery hardback edition (with same page numbering in the Abelard-Schuman hardback edition) at pages 239-241 of the various Ballantine paperback editions, at pages 262-263 of the Corgi paperback edition. Text of letter presented in (Appendix 3) at pages 243-250 of the Henry Regnery hardback edition (with same page numbering in the Abelard-Schuman hardback edition) at pages 274-282 of the various Ballantine paperback editions, at pages 298-306 of the Corgi paperback edition.



Kinder, Gary in his “Light Years” (1987) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 169-170 (in Chapter 8) of the Viking hardback edition.



Marrs, Jim in his “Alien Agenda” (1997) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 151-152 (in Chapter 5) of the Harper Collins paperback edition.



Saunders, David R and Harkins, R Roger in their “UFOs? Yes!” (1968) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 199-200 (in Chapter 21) of the Signet paperback edition.


See also references provided in the main entry for the Condon Report (9 January 1969).

Other Material