On 18 April 1961, Joe Simonton of
This incident is Case 45 in Isaac Koi's "Top 100" article, since it was referred to in 57 of the books covered by that article.
This was Project Blue Book Case Number 7372.
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Book References
For discussion of the
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APRO in “The Encyclopedia of UFOs” (1980) edited by Ronald Story (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 107-108 (in an entry entitled “Eagle River (Wisconsin) “pancake” story”) of the NEL hardback edition. |
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Baker, Alan in his “Sci-Fi Channel: True Life Encounters: UFO Sightings” (1997) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 73-76 (in Chapter 3) of the Orion softcover edition. |
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Baker, Alan in his “The Encyclopaedia of Alien Encounters” (1999) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 225-226 (in an entry entitled “Simonton, Joe”) of the Virgin hardback edition. |
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Ball, Brian in his “A Young Person’s Guide to UFOs” (1979) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 22-23 (in Chapter 2) of the Dragon paperback edition. |
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Bartholomew, Robert E and Howard, George S. in their “UFOs and Alien Contact” (1998) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 311 (in Appendix A, entitled “The UFO Contact Catalogue”) of the Prometheus hardback edition. |
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Brookesmith, Peter in his “UFO: The Complete Sightings Catalogue” (1995) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 73 (in Chapter 4) of the BCA hardback edition (with the same page numbering in the Blitz hardback edition, and in the Barnes & Noble hardback edition published under the title “UFO: The Complete Sightings”). |
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Brookesmith, Peter in his “UFO: The Government Files” (1996) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 44, 45 (in Chapter 2) of the Parragon hardback edition. |
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Canadeo, Anne in her “UFO’s: The Fact or Fiction File” (1990) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 37-40 (in Chapter 4 of the pro-UFO side of the book, i.e. the side which starts with the Chapter 1 entitled “Visitors at Cisco Grove”) of the Walker hardback edition. |
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Cassirer, Manfred in his “Dimensions of Enchantment” (1994) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 68 (in Chapter 5) of the Breese Books softcover edition. |
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Clark, Jerome and Coleman, Loren in their “The Unidentified” (1975) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 181-182 (in the unnumbered section entitled “UFOs: The Mystery in the Machine”, part 3) of the Warner paperback edition. |
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Clark, Jerome in his “Extraordinary Encounters : An Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrials and Otherworldly Beings” (2000) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 64-65 (in an entry entitled “Close encounters of the third kind”) of the ABC-Clio hardback edition. |
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Clark, Jerome in his “The UFO Encyclopedia: 1st edition: Volume 3 – High Strangeness” (1996) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 168-175 (in an entry entitled “Eagle River CE3”) of the Omnigraphics hardback edition. |
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Clark, Jerome in his “The UFO Encyclopedia: The Phenomenon from the Beginning - 2nd edition : Volume 1:A-K” (1998) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 344-349 (in an entry entitled “Eagle River CE3”) of the Omnigraphics hardback edition. |
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Conroy, Ed in his “Report on Communion” (1989) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 289-291 (in Chapter 7) of the |
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Dash, Mike in his “Borderlands” (1997) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 346-347 (in Chapter 9) of the Arrow paperback edition. |
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Davenport, Marc in his “Visitors from Time” (1992) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 170-171 (in Chapter 12) of the 1994 revised Greenleaf softcover edition. |
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Denzler, Brenda in her “The Lure of the Edge” (2001) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 27 (in Chapter 1), 40 (in Chapter 2) of the |
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Dolan, Richard M in his “UFOs and the National Security State: Volume 1: 1941-1973” (2000) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 332-333 (in Chapter 6) of the Keyhole softcover edition, at pages 247-248 of the 2002 revised Hampton Road softcover edition. |
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Evans, Hilary and Spencer, John in “UFO: 1947-1987” (1987) (edited by Hilary Evans with John Spencer) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 133 (in Chapter 2.5, entitled “Abductions and Contactees”) of the Fortean Tomes softcover edition. |
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Fitzgerald, Randall in his “The Cosmic Test Tube” (1998) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 129, 143 (in Section 2) of the Moonlake Media softcover edition. |
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Gansberg, Alan and Gansberg, Judith in their “Direct Encounters: The Personal Histories of UFO Abductees” (1980) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 52 (in Chapter 2), 120-121 (in Chapter 6) of the Walker & Co hardback edition. |
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Glenday, Craig in his “The UFO Investigator’s Handbook” (1999) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 48 (in Chapter 2) of the Running Press softcover edition. |
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Hendry, Allan in his “The UFO Handbook” (1979) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 135 (in Chapter 9) of the Sphere softback edition. |
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Holroyd, Stuart in his “Alien Intelligence” (1979) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 88 (in Chapter 3), 197-198 (in Chapter 7) of the David & Charles hardback edition. |
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Holzer, Hans in his “The UFOnauts” (1976) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 108-109 (in Chapter 5) of the Fawcett Gold Medal paperback edition. |
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Hough, Peter in “Phenomenon“ (1988) (edited by John Spencer and Hilary Evans) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 116-117 of the MacDonald hardback edition (Part |
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Hough, Peter in “UFO: 1947-1987” (1987) (edited by Hilary Evans with John Spencer) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 127 (in Chapter 2.4, entitled “UFO Occupants”) of the Fortean Tomes softcover edition. |
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Hynek, J Allen and Vallee, Jacques in their “The Edge of Reality” (1975) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 152-155 (in Chapter 5) of the Henry Regnery hardback edition. |
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Keel, John A in his “UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse” (1970) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 176-178 (in Chapter 9) of the Souvenir Press hardback edition (with the same page numbering in the Abacus softcover edition). |
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Lorenzen, Coral and Lorenzen, Jim in “Encounters with UFO Occupants” (1976) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 181-182 (in Chapter 10) of the Berkley paperback edition. |
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Lorenzen, Coral and Lorenzen, Jim in their “Flying Saucer Occupants” (1967) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 130-131 (in Chapter 7) of the Signet paperback edition. |
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Lorenzen, Coral in “The Humanoids” (1969) (edited by Charles Bowen) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 161-163 of the Neville Spearman hardback edition, with the same page numbering in the Futura paperback edition (unnumbered chapter entitled “UFO Occupants in United States Reports”). |
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Machlin, Milt in his “The Total UFO Story” (1979) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 209-214 (in Chapter 11) of the Dale paperback edition. |
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Magor, John in his “Our UFO Visitors” (1977) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 197-198 (in Chapter 9) of the Hancock House hardback edition. |
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Menzel, Donald and Boyd, Lyle in their “The World of Flying Saucers” (1963) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 226-228 (Chapter 11) of the Doubleday hardback edition. |
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Morris, Peter J in his “Aliens Amongst Us: A Beginner’s Guide” (1999) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 63 (in Chapter 5), 84 (in Chapter 7) of the Hodder & Stoughton softcover edition. |
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Nixon, Neil in his “Pocket Essentials : UFOs” (2002) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 20 (in Chapter 1) of the Pocket Essentials softcover edition. |
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Randles, Jenny and Hough, Peter in their “Encyclopedia of the Unexplained” (1995) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 165 (in the unnumbered chapter entitled “Death By Supernatural Causes?”) of the Brockhampton hardback edition. |
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Randles, Jenny and Warrington, Peter in their “UFOs : A British Viewpoint” (1979) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 132 (in Chapter 8) of the Book Club Associates hardback edition. |
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Randles, Jenny in her “Alien Contact – The First Fifty Years” (1997) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 42 (in the chapter entitled “1961”) of the Collins and Brown hardback edition. |
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Randles, Jenny in her “Aliens” (1993) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 124-125 (in Part 5), 137 (in Part 6) of the Hale hardback edition (with the same page numbering in the |
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Randles, Jenny in her “The Little Giant Encyclopedia of UFOs” (2000) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 387 (in Part 3, “UFOs Worldwide”) of the |
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Randles, Jenny in her “UFO Reality” (1983) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 156-157 (in Chapter 11) of the Hale hardback edition. |
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Rickard, Robert and Kelly, Richard in their “Photographs of the Unknown” (1980) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 56, 57 (in the unnumbered chapter entitled “UFOs”) of the NEL softcover edition. |
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Rimmer, John in his “The Evidence for Alien Abductions” (1984) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 79 of the Aquarian softcover edition (in Chapter 4). |
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Ritchie, David in his “UFO : The Definitive Guide” (1994) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 189 (in an entry entitled “Simonton incident, |
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Rux, Bruce in his “Architects of the Underworld” (1996) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 120-121 (in Chapter 4) of the Frog softcover edition. |
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Sachs, Margaret in her “The UFO Encyclopedia“ (1980 (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 87-88 (in an entry entitled “Eagle River, Wisconsin”) and included in a list entitled “Chronological list of UFO sightings” at page viii of the Corgi softback edition. |
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Salisbury, Frank in his “The Utah UFO Display: A Biologist’s Report” (1974) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 133 (in Chapter 3) of the Devin Adair hardback edition. |
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Smith, Susy in her “Strangers from Space” (1977) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 112-114 (in Chapter 13) of the Manor paperback edition. |
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Sparks, Brad in version 1.7 of his “Comprehensive Catalog of 1,500 Project BLUE BOOK UFO Unknowns” (2003) as Case Number 1254 on pages 158-159 of the PDF edition (with the same page numbering in the Microsoft Word edition). Both editions are available online, respectively at the following links: |
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Spencer, John and Spencer, Anne in their “True Life Encounters – Alien Contact” (1997) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 202-203 (in Chapter 12) of the Millenium paperback edition. |
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Spencer, John in his “The UFO Encyclopedia” (1991) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 279 (in an entry entitled “Simonton, Joe”) of the Guild hardback edition (with the same page numbering in the Avon softcover edition) at pages 329-330 of the Headline paperback edition. |
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Spencer, John in his “UFOs: The Definitive Casebook” (1991) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 42 (in the unnumbered section entitled “ |
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Trench, Brinsley Le Poer in his “Operation Earth” (1969) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 80-81 (in Chapter 12) of the Tandem paperback edition. |
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Vallee, Jacques in his “Dimensions“ (1988) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 49-58 (in Part 1, Chapter 2) of the Souvenir Press hardback edition. |
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Vallee, Jacques in his “Passport to Magonia” (1970) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 23-31 (in Chapter 2) [and at page 281 (in the Appendix entitled “A Century of UFO Landings (1868-1968)”)] of the Regnery hardback edition, with the same page numbering in the Tandem paperback edition. |
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Wilson, Colin in his “World Famous UFOs” (1996) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 63-64 (in Chapter 3) of the Parragon softcover edition. |
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Other Material
Listed as Project Blue Book Case Number 7372 on the redacted US National Archives and Records Administration (“NARA”) microfilm records of Project Blue Book, released to the National Archives in 1975 – see National Archives Microfilm Publication T1206 roll number 1. An image of the relevant index page has been given the unique Page ID (“PID”) of NARA-PBB1-248 (page 248 of 1014) at the link below.
Listed (without a Project Blue Book Case Number) on the unredacted Maxwell Air Force Base (“Maxwell”) microfilm records of Project Blue Book – see Maxwell microfilm roll number 30,363. An image of the relevant index page has been given the unique Page ID (“PID”) of MAXW-PBB2-484 (page 484 of 1352) at the link below.