1960.0000 Bracewell probe article


Bracewell probe article
During 1960, the journal Nature published an article by Ronald Bracewell which discusses the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligences using interstellar probes




Sections below

1. Web Resources

2. Book References

3. Other material


Web Resources



Book References

Complete text of article reprinted in “The Quest For Extraterrestrial Life : A Book of Readings” (1980) (edited by Donald Goldsmith) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 105-107 (in Chapter 21) of the University Science Books hardback edition.

Discussed by Bracewell, Ronald in “The Quest For Extraterrestrial Life : A Book of Readings” (1980) (edited by Donald Goldsmith) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 105-107 (in Chapter 21) of the University Science Books hardback edition.

See also references provided in relation to the entry for Ronald Bracewell’s book “The Galactic Club” (1974).


Other Material

Nature, Volume 186 (1960), 670