This incident is Case 66 in Isaac Koi's "Top 100" article, since it was referred to in 44 of the books covered by that article.
Web Resources
For links to various relevant documents and articles online see:
http://www.nicap.org/wsandsdir.htmThis incident is discussed on the AboveTopSecret.com (“ATS”) internet discussion forums in Thread 139774.
Book References
Text (and partial image) of report by C B Moore included by Hall, Richard in his “Uninvited Guests” (1988) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 324-325 (in Appendix B), and discussed at pages 174 (in Chapter 11) and 238 (in Appendix A), of the Aurora Press paperback edition.
For discussion of this White Sands incident see the following:
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Discussion by:
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Arnold, Kenneth and Palmer, Ray in their “The Coming of the Saucers” (1952) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 140-141 (in Chapter 11) of the Amherst softcover edition. |
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Binder, Otto in his “What we really know about Flying Saucers” (1967) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 33 (in Chapter 3) of the Fawcett paperback edition. |
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Blundell, Nigel in his “World’s Most Amazing UFO Visits” (1996) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 47-48 of the Select softcover edition. |
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Clark, Jerome in his “The UFO Encyclopedia: 1st edition: Volume 2 – Emergence of a Phenomenon” (1992) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 129-130 (in an entry entitled “Daylight Discs, 1947-1959”) of the Omnigraphics hardback edition. |
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Clark, Jerome in his “The UFO Encyclopedia: The Phenomenon from the Beginning - 2nd edition” (1998) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) in Volume 1:A-K at page 321 (in an entry entitled “Daylight Discs”) of the Omnigraphics hardback edition. |
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Dolan, Richard in his “UFOs and the National Security State: Volume 1: 1941-1973” (2000) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 117-118 (in Chapter 3) of the Keyhole softcover edition, at pages 68-69 of the 2002 revised Hampton Road softcover edition. |
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Druffel, Ann in her “Firestorm : Dr James E McDonald's Fight for UFO Science” (2003) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 131-133 (in Chapter 6) of the Wild Flower Press softcover edition. |
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Fawcett, George and Greenwood, Barry in their “Clear Intent” (1984) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 114-115 (in Chapter 8) of the Spectrum softcover edition (with the same page numbering in the Fireside softcover edition published under the title “The UFO Cover-Up”). |
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Good, Timothy in his “Need To Know : UFOs, the Military and Intelligence” (2006) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 108 (in Chapter 6) of the Sidgwick & Jackson hardback edition. |
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Guieu, Jimmy in his “Flying Saucers Come From Another World” (1956) (edited by Ronald Story) (edited by Ronald Story) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 98-99 (in Chapter 4) of the Hutchinson hardback edition. |
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Guieu, Jimmy in his “Flying Saucers Come From Another World” (1956) (edited by Ronald Story) (edited by Ronald Story) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 99 (in Chapter 4) of the Hutchinson hardback edition. |
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Hall, Michael David and Connors, Wendy Ann in their “Captain Edward J Ruppelt : Summer of the Saucers - 1952” (2000) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 19-20 (in Chapter 1), 89 (in Chapter 3) of the Rose Press softcover edition. |
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Hall, Michael David in his “UFOs : A Century of Sightings” (1999) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 121-122 (in Chapter 3) of the Galde Press softcover edition. |
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Hall, Richard in his “Uninvited Guests” (1988) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 174 (in Chapter 11), 238 (in Appendix A) with text (and partial image) of report by C B Moore included at pages 324-325 (in Appendix B) of the Aurora Press paperback edition. |
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Harbinson, W A in his “Projekt Saucer” (1995) at pages 92-93 (in Chapter 5), 117 (in Chapter 7) of the Box Tree hardback edition. |
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Heard, Gerald in his “The Riddle of the Flying Saucers: Is Another World Watching” (1950) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 39-42 (in Chapter 6), 94 (in Chapter 10), 120-121 (in Chapter 11) of the Carroll & Nicholson hardback edition. |
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Hynek, J Allen in his “The Hynek UFO Report” (1977) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 95-96 (in Chapter 5) of the Barnes & Noble hardback reprint (1997) at pages 104-105 of the Dell paperback edition (with the same page numbering in the Sphere paperback edition). |
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Hynek, J Allen in his “The UFO Experience” (1972) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 63-64 (in Chapter 6) of the Henry Regnery hardback edition (with same page numbering in the Abelard-Schuman hardback edition) at page 72-73 of the various Ballantine paperback editions, at pages 87-88 of the Corgi paperback edition. Included in a table indicating an assessment of Strangeness Rating/Probability Rating of 2/9 as DD10 in Appendix 1 at page 235 of the Henry Regnery hardback edition (with same page numbering in the Abelard-Schuman hardback edition) at page 265 of the various Ballantine paperback editions, at page 289 of the Corgi paperback edition. |
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Keyhoe, Donald E in his “Flying Saucers from Outer Space” (1953) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 44 of the Henry Holt hardback edition, page 49 of the Tandem paperback edition (in Chapter 3). |
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Keyhoe, Donald E in his “The Flying Saucers are Real” (1950) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 13-14 (in Chapter 1), 111-113 (in Chapter 12), 146 (in Chapter 16) of the Fawcett Gold Medal paperback edition, which has the same page numbering as the version available on-line at: |
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Klass, Philip J in “UFOs – Identified” (1968) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 220-221 (in Chapter 19) of the Random House hardback edition. |
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Leslie, Desmond in “Flying Saucers Have Landed” (1953) (by Desmond Leslie and George Adamski) at pages 39-40 (in Part 1, Chapter 2) of the Werner Laurie hardback edition, at pages 38-39 of the 1970 revised Neville Spearman hardback edition (with the same page numbering in the revised Futura paperback edition). |
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Maccabee, Bruce in his “UFO-FBI Connection” (2000) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 93-94 (in Chapter 9) of the Llewellyn softcover edition. |
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Maney, Charles And Hall, Richard in their “Challenge of Unidentified Flying Objects” (1961) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 18 (in Part 1, Chapter |
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McDonald, James E in his prepared statement to the Roush Hearing (the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science and Astronautics "Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects" on 1968.0729) as Case 29 at pages 63-64 of the transcript of the Ninetieth Congress, Second Session, Number 7. Complete transcript available free online at the following links: |
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McLaughlin, R B in his article “How Scientists Tracked A Flying Saucer”, True, March 1950 (1950) at pages [insert check True] to [insert check True]. Text of relevant article appears online at: http://www.nicap.org/true-mc.htm |
Menzel, Donald in his “Flying Saucers“ (1953) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 31-33 (in Chapter 3) of the Putnam hardback edition. |
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Michel, Aime in his “The Truth about Flying Saucers” (1956) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 62-65 (in Part 1, Chapter 3) of the Robert Hale hardback edition, pages 66-69 of the Pyramid paperback edition. |
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NICAP’s “The UFO Evidence” (1964) (edited by Richard Hall) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 13 (in Section 2) of the privately published paperbound edition, with the same page numbering in the 1997 Barnes & Noble paperbound reprint. Available free online at: http://www.nicap.org/ufoe/section_2.htm |
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Randle, Kevin in his “Project Bluebook Exposed” (1997) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 177-179 (in the unnumbered chapter entitled “So, What Do We Make of All This?”) of the Marlowe softcover edition. |
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Randle, Kevin in his “Project Moon Dust” (1998) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 97-104 (in Chapter 5) of the |
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Randle, Kevin in his “Scientific Ufology” (1999) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 205-206 (in Chapter 7) of the |
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Randle, Kevin in his “The Roswell Encyclopedia” (2000) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 252-253 (in an entry entitled “Moore, Charles B”) of the Quill softcover edition. |
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Ruppelt, Edward J in his “The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects” (1956) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 70-71 (in Chapter 6) of the original 17 chapter Doubleday hardback edition, at pages 100-101 of the Gollancz hardback edition, at pages 97-98 of the Ace paperback edition, at pages 70-71 of the 1959 revised Doubleday 20 chapter hardback edition, at pages 51-52 of the reprinted Source Books softcover edition. The first of these editions (i.e. the original 17 chapter hardback edition) has the same page numbering as the version available free online at: |
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Sachs, Margaret in her “The UFO Encyclopedia“ (1980 (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 364 (in an entry entitled “White Sands, New Mexico”) and included in a list entitled “Chronological list of UFO sightings” at page viii of the Corgi softback edition |
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Shawcross, Tim in his “The Roswell File” (1997) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 152 (in Chapter 9) of the |
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Sparks, Brad in version 1.7 of his “Comprehensive Catalog of 1,500 Project |
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Spencer, John in his “UFOs: The Definitive Casebook” (1991) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 23 (in the unnumbered section entitled “ |
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Stanford, Ray in his “Socorro Saucer” (1976) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 149-150 (in Chapter 14) of the 1978 Fonatana revised paperback edition. |
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Stemman, |
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Strieber, Whitley in his “Communion“ (1987) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 236-238 (in Chapter 6) of the Arrow paperback edition. |
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Thompson, Richard in his “Alien Identities: Ancient Insights into Modern UFO Pheonemena” (1993) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 27-28 (in Chapter 1) of the GHP revised softcover edition. |
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Vallee, Jacques in his “Anatomy of a Phenomenon” (1965) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 56 (in Chapter 3) of the Henry Regnery hardback edition (with the same page numbering in the Tandem paperback edition) at page 61 of the Ballantine Books paperback edition, pages 95-96 of the 1966 revised and enlarged Ace Star paperback edition. |
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Von Buttlar, Johannes in his “The UFO Phenomenon” (1980) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 68-69 (in Chapter 7) of the Book Club Associates hardback edition. |
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Wright, Susan in her “UFO Headquarters” (1998) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 111-112 (in Chapter 6) of the |
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Other Material
Official US documents about this incident can be found online. See the material on the ambitious “Project Blue Book Archive” website in relation to Project Blue Book Case Number 358, which commences at the link provided (and continues on the pages which follow it).
Listed as Project Blue Book Case Number 358 on the redacted US National Archives and Records Administration (“NARA”) microfilm records of Project Blue Book, released to the National Archives in 1975 – see National Archives Microfilm Publication T1206 roll number 1. An image of the relevant index page has been given the unique Page ID (“PID”) of NARA-PBB1-24 (page 24 of 1014) at the link below.
Listed (without a Project Blue Book Case Number) on the unredacted Maxwell Air Force Base (“Maxwell”) microfilm records of Project Blue Book – see Maxwell microfilm roll number 30,363. An image of the relevant index page has been given the unique Page ID (“PID”) of MAXW-PBB2-255 (page 255 of 1352) at the link below. The relevant case file is included on Maxwell microfilm roll number 30,366 – at the link below from the page with the PID of MAXW-PBB5-1451 (page 1451 of 1664) to the page with the PID of MAXW-PBB5-1500 (page 1500 of 1664).