1948.1108 Colonel McCoy Memo


Colonel McCoy Memo
On 8 November 1948, a letter from Colonel McCoy to General Cabell in response to further questions raised by General Cabell in the light of the memo from Colonel Brooke Allen dated 1948.1011. (Commonly referred to as “the McCoy Memo”, this is a further document that is occasionally referred to as “the Ghost of the Estimate” (although this term is more often used in relation to a document dated 1948.1210 entitled “Analysis of Flying Object Incidents in the United States”)).



Sections below

1. Web Resources

2. Book References

3. Other material


Web Resources



Book References

Complete text presented by Hall, Michael David in his “UFOs : A Century of Sightings” (1999) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 340-342 (in the unnumbered chapter entitled “Recent Revelations”) of the Galde Press softcover edition.

For discussion of this memo see the following:



Discussion by:


No. of Pages


Aldrich, Jan on the Project 1947 website at: http://www.project1947.com/fig/1948back.htm



Devereux, Paul and Brookesmith, Peter in “UFOs and Ufology – the first 50 years” (1997) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at page 135 (in Chapter 9) of the Blandford softcover edition.



Hall, Michael David in his “UFOs : A Century of Sightings” (1999) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 339-342 (in the unnumbered chapter entitled “Recent Revelations”) of the Galde Press softcover edition.



Klass, Philip J in his “The Real Roswell Crashed-Saucer Coverup” (1997) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 175-176 (in Chapter 22), 207-208 (in Chapter 26), 214 (in Chapter 27) of the Prometheus Books hardback edition.



Maccabee, Bruce in his “UFO-FBI Connection” (2000) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 53-57 (in Chapter 5) of the Llewellyn softcover edition.



Matthews, Tim in his “UFO Revelation” (1999) (available on Amazon USA and on Amazon UK) at pages 53, 54-55 (in Chapter 4) of the Blandford softcover edition.



Other Material