
  • 1960.0000 Bracewell probe article


    Bracewell probe article
    During 1960, the journal Nature published an article by Ronald Bracewell which discusses the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligences using interstellar probes




  • 1961.0300 Tacker article

    Image needed
    The March 1961 issue of Argosy magazine contains article by Colonel Lawrence Tacker.




  • 1961.0415 Optical Masers article


    Optical Masers article
    On 15 April 1961, an article entitled “Interstellar and Interplanetary Communication by Optical Masers” by Dr. Robert N Schwartz and Professor Charles H Townes was published in the journal Nature, proposing optical SETI.




  • 1962.0400 Lightsail article

    Image needed
    Robert Forward proposed using a lightsail in his article “Pluto - the Gateway to the Stars” in April 1962 issue of the magazine “Missiles and Rockets”. The article was reprinted in “Science Digest” in 1962.




  • 1965.0000 Hill abduction article

    Image needed
    During 1965, the first article on the alleged abduction of Betty and Barney Hill was published, in a Boston newspaper.




  • 1965.0100 Keyhoe article

    Image needed
    An article by Donald Keyhoe appeared in the January 1965 issue of True magazine.




  • 1966.0208 Fuller article


    Image needed
    On 8 February 1966, an Issue of Look magazine containing an article by John G Fuller entitled “Outer Space Ghost Story” appeared on newsstands.



  • 1966.1004 Look article on Hill abduction

    Image needed
    On 24 January 1878, Look magazine contains first of a two-part article by John Fuller on the alleged abductions of Betty and Barney Hill.




  • 1968.0514 Condon "Fiasco" article

    Image needed
    An article entitled “Flying Saucer Fiasco” by John G Fuller criticising the Condon Study was published in the 14 May 1968 edition of “Look” Magazine (which hit the news stands on 27 April 1967).




  • 1968.1200 Brown Mountain Lights article


    Image needed
    During December 1968, Argosymagazine includes an article entitled “Come see the flying saucers” about the Brown Mountain Lights.



  • 1970.1011 USAF Academy textbook article


    USAF Academy textbook article

    On 11 October 1970, the US Air Force Academy textbook on space sciences was referred to in an article in “The National Enquirer” by Lloyd Mallan.

    The textbook stated that “there is some evidence supporting” the viewpoint that “UFOs are material objects which are either ‘manned’ or remote controlled by beings who are alien to this planet”.



  • 1974.1200 Betty Hill "star map" article

    Image needed
    An article entitled “The Zeta Reticula Incident” by Terence Dickinson appeared in the December 1974 issue of Astronomy magazine. The article discusses work by Ohio schooltecher Marjorie Fish regarding the “star map” described by Betty Hill following her alleged abduction (having previously been discussed by Marjorie Fish in her article in Pursuit magazine (January 1974) and at the 1974 MUFON symposium).




  • 1977.0000 Starship detection SETI article


    Starship detection SETI article
    During 1977, David Viewing (a member of the British Interplanetary Society) and two colleagues publish an article entitled “Detection of Starships” in the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society discussing the possibility of detecting alien starships in space




  • 1977.0000 X-Ray SETI article


    X-Ray SETI article
    During 1977, Andy Fabian publishes an article entitled “Signaling Over Stellar Distances with X-Rays” in the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society discussing the possibility of matter being dropped on to neutron stars to produce burst of x-rays to signaling over stellar distances.




  • 1978.0000 Asteroid belt SETI article


    Asteroid belt SETI article
    During 1978, Michael Papagiannis (Boston University professor of astronomy) publishes an article suggesting that if there are any extraterrestrial probes, then the asteroid belt seems the most logical place to look for them.




  • 1983.0000 Jackie Gleason article

    Image needed
    During 1983, an article in the “National Enquirer” alleges that Jackie Gleason claimed to have been shown alien bodies by President Nixon following a charity golf tournament run by Gleason (on 19 February 1973).




  • 1991.0909 Doug and Dave article

    Image needed
    On 9 September 1991, the Todaynewspaper published a story entitled “The Men Who Conned The World” on its front page about Doug Bower and Dave Chorley (commonly referred to as “Doug and Dave”) of Southampton, England and their claim that they had hoaxed crop circles. Asked by the Todaynewspaper about a crop circle (constructed by Doug and Dave whilst being recorded), Pat Delgado reportedly stated “In no way could this be a hoax. This is without doubt the most wonderful day of my life”.


  • 2005.0000 BIS “Inflation-Theory Implications" article
    Image needed

    The January/February 2005 issue of the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society include an article entitled “Inflation-Theory Implications for Extraterrestrial Visitation” by James Deardorff, Bernard Haisch, Bruce Maccabee and Puthoff, Hal.




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