“Best UFO Cases” by Isaac Koi
PART 3: Existing lists by various individuals
Have individual UFO researchers and UFO groups put forward lists of the top cases? Which cases did they list? How much overlap is there between the various lists? Do the same cases come up all the time, or do opinions differ significantly between researchers?
If the majority of ufologists accepted that, for various reasons (see PART 2: Challenges to produce lists of top cases), it is extremely desirable to formulate lists of the best UFO cases then one might expect lists of the top UFO cases to be relatively common and discussed frequently within the UFO literature. Unfortunately, this is not the case:
(1) It is relatively rare for UFO books or articles to list the cases which the author considers to be the best. A very limited number of UFO researchers and groups have nominated an individual case, or short list of cases, which they consider to represent the best evidence in support of their position. I refer to a number of such lists below. While the collection below may appear to be fairly extensive, it should be noted that these lists are collated as a result of reading approximately 960 UFO/SETI books and tens of thousands of webpages.
(2) Very few of the lists mentioned below were accompanied by even the most general of explanation as to why these cases were considered to be the “best”. Item by item justifications for including each case were even rarer, accompanying virtually none of these lists.
(3) The lists that have been produced are remarkable in their diversity. There is very little, if any, consensus among the relatively few ufologists prepared to nominate a list of the “best” cases.
(4) As far as I have been able to determine, no-one in the history of ufology has previously attempted to publish a collection of the various lists that have been produced and to provide references to such lists.