
Introduction to isaackoi.com

I am a barrister in England with an interest in various issues relating to "UFOs".  I write under a pseudonym because some clients and colleagues would probably roll on the floor with laughter at the thought of my spending time on these topics, even though my focus of my interest is actually on various sociological and psychological issues relating to UFOs and ufology.

I've previously helped make freely available online in a searchable format UFO documents from the FBI, from Canada (with the permission of the Canadian government) and Australia (with the permission of the Australian government) and New Zealand, plus helped make freely available in a searchable PDF format various out-of-print UFO publications (such as the newsletters of ufo skeptic Phil Klass, after getting relevant permissions).

I can be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

I am currently constructing this website to give a more structured archive of my work in relation to UFOs.  



The main features of this website are:

(1) A "Free UFO Researcher Starter Pack" giving an outline of various resources online, including official documents, UFO books, podcasts  and other material

(2) Various articles relating to attempts to identify the "best" UFO cases. Ufologists regularly complain that skeptics fail to address the best UFO cases. On the other hand, skeptics frequently complain that “believers” refuse to nominate the best cases.This article considers some of those complaints.

(3) Material relating to the history of UFO incidents and related matters, including movies and books.

(4) For a bit of light relief, and to try to address the amount of nonsense written about them, I have included sections on some of the more popular photographs purportedly of "aliens" and online "UFO" videos



I have previously posted various items online. Links to some of those items are given below.


As part of my effort to make FBI files relevant to ufology available as searchable PDF documents, I posted an item entitled "FBI: “discs recovered”, Air Force “greatly concerned”, “at a complete loss” + more memos".  I had previously written a fairly long item which focused on one particular FBI document which has repeatedly been "discovered" over the last few decades : "Debunked! The FBI alien bodies memo – A case study in the reinvention of the wheel".

I have also written items about official documents from the USA ("Massive UFO disclosure in USA : A challenge for ATS" and "Remote viewing & UFOs : Stargate, Galactic Federation + the Aviary (CIA index + 92,010 PDF pages)"), Canada ("Canadian disclosure: “UFO Found” and other documents/photos"), Australia ("Oz X-Files : “authenticated sighting”, “appear to be inexplicable”, USA “very interested"") and New Zealand ("New Zealand X-Files : Official “fib”, superiors “mystified”, + Kaikoura “whitewash”").   

I have a particular interest in making material available as searchable PDF documents which can be downloaded and searched on your local hard-drive. I have written about free software that can be used to efficiently search large collections of PDF documents, with the results being displayed in a manner that indicates the context within which a relevant search term appeared and always for very quick reviewing of the search results (see "FAST searching of major free online collections of UFO journals (or just browse/download them)").  

In addition to collections of official documents, I have helped make freely available online various out-of-print UFO newsletters (after obtaining relevant permissions) - see, for example, my items "Phil Klass: "Skeptics UFO Newsletter" now online (large collection)", "UFO Brigantia newsletters (UK 1980s-1990s) - PDF archive now online (free)" and "PDF Archive: Info-Paranet "Newsletters" (1989-1993)").  When I can obtain relevant permissions, I have also made available other searchable PDFs including rare out-of-print UFO books (see, for example, "Valentich disappearance - rare book now online - "Melbourne Episode" by Dr Richard Haines (free)", "Free Download: "On Pilots and UFOs” by Dr Willy Smith", "Rare book by C B Scott Jones ("Aviary" member) now a free download") and PhD dissertations (see "Dr Who?? : UFO PhD dissertations - free online").

While my focus is on written material, I do sometimes stray into dealing with other resources e.g. helping Giuliano Marinkovic and Roderick B Dyke make available a large audio collection online : "Huge audio archive of UFO history - now online. Many rare recordings, collated by ufologist Wendy Connors".


I have also written various items on more specific topics, including "Dogon Alien “Mystery” Demystified".

